Erra a brief-re kell egy kampánytervet készítenem és prezentálni azt holnap Londonban a CIPR-nál (Chartered Institute of Public Relations). Első olvasatra majdhogynem lehetetennek tűnt a feladat a stakeholderek sokakasága és különbözősége miatt, ráadásul a kríziskommunikáció nem a végtelen lehetőségek területe. Végül a social responsibility vonalnál maradtam, holnap kiderül hogy tetszik nekik...!Fingers crossed!
- Valentine & Walmer (V&W) is a company that used to produce asbestos until 1979.
- 5000 former employees of V&W in South Africa are now bringing a court case against the company. The House of Lords has ruled that the case can be heard in the UK courts because V&W is registered in the UK.
- The value of the case against V&W is estimated at £200 million.
- The claimants allege that the health and safety standards operated by V&W were inferior to those in the developed world, even when the health risks of asbestos became apparent.
- V&W has been criticized in the UK media for how it has handled the alleged victims of its asbestos operations.
- A well organized and influential lobby group, Action South Africa (ACTSA), is spearheading a campaign aimed at forcing V&W to agree a timely and fair compensation package with claimants. This group has the backing of the South African Government.
- As part of their campaign, ACTSA are putting pressure on major V&W shareholders – specifically insurance company Premier- to try and influence V&W into making what they see as a fair settlement with the victims.
- Premier has been singled out as a key target because it is the best known brand involved and has strongly stressed its commitment to socially responsible investment.
- ACTSA has written to all Premier board members requesting action on the issue. The letter warns that failure to address the issue will result in protests outside the company’s annual general meeting in two week’s time, as well as protests outside parliament. This is likely to attract national media coverage and prompt questions for MPs and other stakeholders.